So after the high of my birthday I needed some girl time the next weekend and I went to visit Emma in London and she had friends visiting from Wales. So I got to meet Becky before we joined forces for our Egypt trip (which starts in 4 days and I AM SO EXCITED!!!!). The plan for the weekend was to see some sites in London the go out on the town that night. When I got there on the Friday night I found the girls well on their way and suffice to say we only really saw Tower Bridge the next day (which is and amazing structure and the Tower of London is beautiful as well). The actual reason for us not continuing our tourist jaunt was actually the cold. It was like a bitter Melbourne Winter's day. So much for summer. And it kept drizzling. As I said, like a bitter Melbourne Winter's day.
The following weekend I had booked off to go and visit Chris and Nat over near Cambridge. They were holding a BBQ and they have the most beautiful cottage. It was lovely to catch up again and Nat was getting closer to her due date (finally had a little girl a few days ago after much waiting post-due date). Simon and Carla were still there and were planning to leave a week later to settle back in Oz so it was nice to catch up again not knowing when I'd see them again!
Generally a lovely chilled weekend catching up with people. While over that way, I decided to drop in on Snoozy and then Ben and have a catch up. Just brief visits as a quick catch up but the visit to Ben will always be memorable to me since his parents unwittingly fed me a muffin that had a secret ingredient I didn't recognise. So a while later I found myself pulled over on the M6 (motorway) hard shoulder unable to drive any further for quite a while. Quite interesting and all being well, quite funny. In any case my stiff muscles that I'd had for a few days were thoroughly fixed and I had the best night's sleep that night since arriving in England.
So that was July. Now onto August. I have to get this blogging done since I head to Africa soon and will start a whole new chapter.